London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beckenham 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beckenham]

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The Council undertakes, free of charge, the disinfection of rooms,
articles of clothing and bedding after cases of Tuberculosis and
occasionally other Infectious Diseases. Requests for the steam
disinfection of bedding, etc., other than for notifiable illness, are met
but a charge is made for the service. During 1963, 26 applications
were received and accounts rendered for £36 18s.
During the year, 125 Library books were collected from homes
and hospitals where infectious disease had occurred, disinfected and
returned to the Library of origin.
The administration of the Beckenham Mortuary is the responsibility
of the Public Health Department, the Mortuary Attendant being
a member of the Medical Officer's staff".
During 1963, 218 bodies were brought to the Mortuary where
post-mortem examinations were conducted by a Home Office
Pathologist. Twenty-five Inquests were held in the Town Hall.
Movable Dwellings
Thirteen families occupied movable dwellings under licence from
the Council during 1963.
Six inspections of the sites of the caravans were made, and in
no instance was a Public Health nuisance discovered.