London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beckenham 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beckenham]

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streams or their tributaries the whole of the surface water of
Beckenham is discharged, either by open ditches or, in the case of
roads, by pipe drains.
Every occupied house in the District is provided with a
galvanised iron dustbin for the reception of house refuse in accordance
with the Beckenham Urban District Council Act, 1903.
The dustbins are emptied once a week and their contents carted
tp the Destructor.
Special arrangements exist for the frequent removal of refuse
from the premises of fishmongers, butchers, etc.
The Destructor is situated at the Electricity Works in Church
Fields Road, and consists of six cells with a back feed.
About 95 loads of refuse are burnt weekly, and the heat is
utilised to generate steam and supply power to the engines of the
Electric Works.
The burnt clinker is converted into road-making material by the
Surveyor's Department.
It is hoped that the Council will be able this year to revert to
the pre-war practice of making a bi-weekly collection of house
refuse during the months of July, August, and September. It is
most important from a health point of view that at this period of
the year all decomposing vegetable matter and refuse should be
removed and destroyed as quickly as possible.