London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barking 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barking]

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Needless to say, any operative treatment would be
undertaken by Mr. Sandiford himself.
As a matter of interest it was noted during the year
that the celebrated Dionne Quintuplets all had their
tonsils removed and the reports say " the tonsils of all
the quins were found to be in a very diseased state."
This is significant when we consider the comparatively
few tonsillectomies among our school and toddler
population, who are nurtured in an atmosphere and in
surroundings far from medically ideal—compare this
with the case of the Dionne Quintuplets.
(1) Convalescent Treatment.—During 1938 a number
of mothers and children were recommended for convalescent
treatment. The following table shows the
number of mothers and children who have been
No. treated.
Mothers 9
Mothers and toddlers 2
Toddlers (under 5 years of age) 7
(m) Ophthalmic Clinic.—On pages 71 —72 will be
found the Report of your Consulting Ophthalmic
Surgeon upon the work of the Ophthalmic Clinics
during the year.
(n) Ultra-Violet Light Clinic.—This clinic still continues
to be a popular feature of your service and during
the year no less than 2,827 treatments were given to
toddlers and expectant and nursing mothers.
(o) Dental Treatment.—Once again during 1938 an
attempt was made to set up a special session for toddlers.
Once again I have to report that this experiment was