London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barking 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barking]

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quote figures, but I hope in my next Report to be able
to show the amount of work done in terms of figures.
During the year 267 school-children received
operative treatment for tonsils and/or adenoids, and of
these 235 were carried out under the Authority's
The explanation for the decrease in the number
requiring operative treatment during the year must lie
in the fact that an increasing number of children obtain
this treatment through your infant welfare centres,
before they attain school age.
(g) Dental Defects.—Dental inspection and treatment
are carried out by three full-time dentists.
Children are inspected periodically at school, and
treatment is undertaken at the dental clinics. Details
of the work carried out will be found on pages 235 to
236 and 249 to 250.
(h) Orthopædic and Postural Defects.—Mr. B.
Whitchurch Howell still continues as the Specialist
Consultant for Orthopaedic and Postural Defects, and
the number of masseuses has now been increased to
three. The time is not far distant when the branches
of this Department, which, as I have stated previously
in my Reports, are held in classrooms in two separate
schools, will be embodied in one main building. This
project, I can say, you already have in hand.
(i) Heart Disease and Rheumatism.—In past Reports
I have emphasised the requirements of suitable provision
for rheumatic cases, and I do so once again,
bearing in mind that the number of rheumatic conditions
referred for investigation this year has almost
doubled itself.