Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barking]
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There is a resident medical officer in attendance at the hospital, and under his
supervision all forms of analgesia are administered in suitable cases.
I am happy to say that full use has been made of this maternity hospital during
the year, and the trouble would seem to be not how to obtain patients for admission
but how to control their admission. It is possible that now the time has come for
you to consider increasing the number of beds available at this hospital, and, of
course, this would in effect mean the extension of the present premises.
Although not situated in Barking, there are many voluntary hospitals catering
for the needs of the people of Barking. A sum of money is set aside by you each
year for distribution among these hospitals. The following table shows the amount
of money which has been contributed to each hospital, and represents roughly the
use to which they are put by the people of Barking:—
City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and
Lungs 16
East Ham Memorial Hospital 36
King George Hospital 74
Princess Elizabeth of York Hospital for Children,
Shadwell 26
Queen Mary's Hospital, Stratford 30
St. Mary's Hospital, Plaistow 13
Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street 5
Poplar Hospital 24
London Hospital 76
Total £300
The County Hospital is at Romford. Further County hospital accommodation
is being provided.
(d) Clinics and, Treatment Centres.—During 1937 the total attendances at Infant
Welfare, Ante-Natal and Minor Ailments Clinics have increased—see tables on pages
38, 49 and 51.
The rate of increase in attendances was much greater in 1937 than in 1936,
i.e., total infant welfare attendances have gone up by 4,619 in 1937, compared to a
rise of 2,057 in 1936. These figures are very gratifying especially in a year when
Public Health services have been getting so much publicity in the Press,