London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barking 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barking]

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Licences were granted to 2 local firms for the bottling of
Grade A (T.T.Milk.
There are in the district 44 retailers and 9 wholesale distributors
of sterilised milk.
A considerable amount of milk is sold in Barking as ordinary
milk, which, to our knowledge, has been pasteurised. This, I believe,
is not an offence at law.
The unfortunate thing is that if this milk which has been pasteurised
were sold as pasteurised milk instead of as ordinary milk,
we could demand a much higher standard of bacterial purity than
oftentimes obtains.
The law very rightly demands a higher standard for pasteurised
milk than for ordinary milk, because pasteurised milk is a more
vulnerable food product than ordinary milk.
I recommend to you that you endeavour to promote legislation
to enforce that any milk which has been pasteurised shall be so
designated and shall be subject to the standards governing pasteurised
milk at the present time.
Slaughtering is still carried on at the one licensed premises in
the town. The occupier slaughters good-class animals in a
satisfactory manner.
During the year 72 notifications to slaughter were received and
64 beasts, 137 pigs, 426 sheep, and 10 calves were examined.