London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barking 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barking]

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WEIGHTS AND HEIGHTS.—The following table gives the average weights and heights of children examined at the three under mentioned age periods in four of the schools, compared with the results at similar age periods in 1923:—

Period. AgeAverage Height in inches.Average Weight in pounds.
5 years41.441.538.839.3
8 years46.948.150.452.4
13 years59.858.774.782.4

TONSILS AND ADENOIDS.—228 children, or 10.24 per
cent. of those examined, were found suffering from enlarged
tonsils or adenoids, or both, with such symptoms that it was found
necessary to refer them for observation or treatment. Of eases
referred for treatment 92, or 48.42 per cent, were found on reinspect
ion to have been treated. An arrangement existed as
formerly with Queen Mary's Hospital, Stratford, and St. Mary's
Hospital, Plaistow, whereby such treatment can be carried out,
parents contributing to the cost thereof according to means. A
defect exists in the scheme whereby greater facilities might exist
for the over-night detention of cases following operation, but
in the present dearth of sufficient hospital accommodation throughout
the Eastern part of the extra Metropolitan area, it must be
felt that the final consideration of this question must stand pending
the provision of a large general hospital of not less than some
500 to 800 beds, or alternatively the extension of existing hospital
accommodation to much the same extent. The treatment
of tonsils and adenoids is only one question of several, none of
Which could be remedied with reasonable efficiency by, for
example, providing a cottage hospital in Barl ing. An arrangement,
however, exists with the hospitals above mentioned respecting
tonsil and adenoid operations, whereby cases exhibiting untoward
after effects can be detained over-night, or where existing
home conditions are unsatisfactory, or some other factor contra
indicates the advisability of the patient's returning home the same