London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Acton 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Acton]

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by the Council from the Ministry of Health that the subsidy would
be limited to the houses already built, then building or for which
tenders had been approved.
The whole of the land in North Acton was either sold or
let on lease to public companies or private builders for the erection
of houses.
On the East Acton Estate under the Addison scheme,
there were erected 176 Parlour-tvpe houses and 144 non-parlourtype
houses. Of this total 268 were erected under contract by
the Westminster Building Company, 30 demonstration houses by
different contractors and 22 houses by direct labour.
Of the 320 houses 12 are centrally heated.
The accommodation is as follows:—
177 Parlour, Living Room, Scullery, 3 bedrooms.
1 Living Room, Scullery, 4 bedrooms.
141 „ „ „ 3„
1 „ „ „ 2 „
Subsequently 28 flats were erected on the East Acton Estate
under the Wheatley Act. The accommodation in these flats is
Living room, Scullery and 3 Bedrooms. The remainder of the land
in East Acton was sold and developed by private builders. Until
1933 the other housing schemes of the Council were the re-conditioning
of 3 flats in Bollo Bridge Road, and the erection of 8
flats in Enfield Road and 8 flats in Brouncker Road. The flats
in Enfield Road have each a Living room, 2 Bedrooms, Scullery
and a Bathroom. The flats in Brouncker Road have each a Living
room, 3 Bedrooms, Scullery and Bathroom.
The Council have built houses and flats on the land which
formed part of the Friars Estate, and although this scheme was not
finished in 1933 I have included it in this report as the houses and
flats are now completed and occupied. They consist of 6 houses
and 64 flats. The houses and 48 of the flats have each a Living
room, 3 Bedrooms, Scullery and Bathroom. 16 of the flats have
each a Living room, 2 Bedrooms, Scullery and Bathroom.
At the present time the rents of the different houses and
flats are as follows:—