London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Acton 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Acton]

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Priory Schools. The old Committee Room at the Priory
Offices has been converted into an extra class-room for the Boys
department and recognised by the Board of Education as part of
the permanent accommodation of the school on the understanding
that improved heating and ventilating will be required if it
should be found necessary hereafter.
During the visit of H.M. Inspector to the Priory Girls'
School the observation was made that Room 7 was not well
ventilated. This may be accounted for by the fact that the
day of the visit was a very wet one with a driving rain so that
the windows were not opened. There are six windows in the
room, the sashes of which open both at the top and bottom and
there is a revolving ventilator in the roof which is in working
South Acton Schools. In the Infants' department the
babies gallery has been removed, and the room converted into a
class-room for Standard 1.
Beaumont Park Schools. While inspecting the school
buildings and offices at the above schools it was noticed that
there was no ventilating shafts to the drains.
During the holidays 6 ventilating shafts and a fresh air
inlet have been erected.
In the Infants' department the urinal accommodation was
too limited, extending only 10 feet. This has been increased by
asphalting the walls enclosing the whole of the offices.
Central Schools. On examining the offices at the above
schools it was found that there was a deposit of soil underneath
the seats of the 36 closets. The seats were fixed and could not
be cleaned and when flushing took place the water and soil came
in contact with the under part of the seats. These have now
been altered and re-hung so as to be moveable.