London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Acton 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Acton]

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No. of Samples taken by the Local Authority 6
,, ,, found adulterated —
Inspections of Butchers' Shops 267
,, ,, Fishmongers' Shops 179
,, ,, Greengrocers' Shops 174
,, „ Premises where food is manufactured or prepared 64
,, Dairies 6l
Milk Purveyors' Premise (80Registered) 64
,, ,, Cowsheds (2 Registered) (73 Cows in all) 9
,, „ Bakehouse (20 Registered) 326
„ Laundries 161
„ Other Workshops 77
,, Slaughter Houses (3 Licensed) 159
Piggeries 6
„ Offensive Trades (2 Registered) 26
„ „ Mews and Stables 377
,, ., Public House Urinals, &c. 49
,, „ Schools 3
„ ,, Show Grounds 25
,, New Wells sunk 2
Percentage of Houses supplied from Public Water service 100%
No. of Cisterns cleansed, repaired, covered. &c., 376
Draw taps placed on Mains 123
Percentage of Houses supplied with Water on constant system 100%
No. of Samples of Water obtained for Analysis 1
,, Drainage examinations under Section 41 6
,, Drains submitted to Chemical test 150
,, i, „ ,, Smoke test 140
„ ,. „ Water test 482
„ Re-drainage plans deposited 165
,, New systems of drainage provided 165
„ W.C's. repaired, supplied with water or otherwise improved 870
Percentage of Houses provided with W C's 100%
No. of Drains examined, tested, exposed, &c. 798
,, „ unstopped, repaired, trapped, &c 1213
Waste pipes, rain water pipes disconnected, repaired, &c. 1485
., New soil pipes or ventilating shafts fixed 259
„ Existing soil pipes or ventilating shafts repaired 83
„ Disconnecting traps or Chambers inserted 250