London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Marylebone 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Marylebone, Metropolitan Borough]

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Public Health Department,
Town Hall, St. Marylebone, W.l.
To the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of the Metropolitan Borough of St. Marylebone.
Statistics for 1946 indicate that health standards in the Borough continued to be maintained at a satisfactory level,
and there are no untoward happenings to record in this respect.
The birth-rate (13.09) again exceeded the death-rate (11.47), and the infantile mortality rate reached a new low
level, declining sharply from 46.54 (1945) to 36.64—one-fifth of the rate 50 years ago. The civilian population was
estimated by the Registrar-General to be 70,920 as against 59,590 for 1945. Infectious disease notifications dropped
from 1,036 (1945) to 675, due almost entirely to a greatly reduced incidence of measles. With the exception of
tuberculosis and pneumonia, the infectious diseases caused but an insignificant proportion of all deaths—11 out of
813—and no case of diphtheria, scarlet fever or measles proved fatal.
What have come to be known as the "personal health services" were again in great demand and it was found
necessary to extend these in a number of directions. Under the provisions of the National Health Service Act, which
received the Royal Assent on the 6th November, 1946, the more, important of these functions, including maternity and
child welfare and the tuberculosis dispensary service, are to pass from the hands of the Borough Council into those of
other authorities on the " appointed day."
To the Chairman and Members of the Public Health and Maternity and Child Welfare Committee I wish to express
my thanks and appreciation for their continued encouragement and support in the work of the Department, and to
the staff my gratitude is due for loyal assistance willingly and efficiently rendered in connection with the post-war
expansion of public health activities in the Borough.
Medical Officer of Health.
page page
Members of the Public Health Committee 4 Mosquitoes 9
Section A—Statistics and Social Conditions:— Noise 9
General Statistics 4 Smoke 9
Extracts from Vital Statistics 4 Poisons 9
Births 4 Factories 9
Marriages 4 Sanitary Inspection 9
Maternal Mortality 4
Deaths Section D—Housing:—
Infantile Mortality 5 Re-organisation of Housing Department 10
Mortuary 5 Permanent Schemes 10
Crematorium 6 Temporary Housing 10
Section B—General Provision of Health Adaptation of Premises 10
Services: Squatters 10
Staff 6 Inspection of Dwelling Houses 11
Staff Medical Examinations 6 Common Lodging Houses 11
Laboratory Facilities 6 Section E—Food
Home Nursing 6 Food Analysis 11
Maternity and Child WelfareLegal Proceedings 11
Weifare Centres 6 Bacteriological Examinations 11
work oi the Clinics 6 Milk
Refresher Courses for Health Visitors 6 Butter and Margarine Premises"' 11
student Health Visitors 7 ICE Cream
Visitors to Centres and Nurseries 7 Preserved Food 12
,- Fried Fish Vendors and Fish Curers 12
Milk and Vitamin Products 7 Bakehouses 12
Sheets for Expectant Mothers 7 Restaurants, etc 12
Home hellp and domestic Help Swevices 7 Sale of Food and Drinks in Public Places 12
Child Life Protection 7 Unsound Food12
Illegitimate Children 7 Horseflesh 12
.Premature Infants 7
Dental Treatment 7 Slaughter of Animals12
Foot Clinic 7 Section F—Infectious and Other Diseases :—
Remedial Exercises 7 Notifications 12
Child Guidance 7 Diphtheria Immunisation 13
Maternity Cases 7 Vaccination 13
Convalescent Homes 8 Scabies. 13
Maternity Survey8 Impetigo 13
Fathercraft 8 Venereal Diseases 13
Day Nurseries 8 Insulin 13
Section C—Sanitary Circumstance:— Food Poisoning 13
Water 8 Tuberculosis:—
Drainage 8 New Cases and Mortality . 13
Combined Drainage 8 Notifications 14
Public Conveniences 9 Dispensary 14
Public Cleansing and Salvage 9 Institutional Treatment 14
Shops 9 Dental Treatment 14
Diseased or Infirm Persons 9 Maintenance Allowances 14
Bed Bugs 9 Government Rehabilitation Scheme 14
Verminous Persons 9 Care Committee 14
Rats and Mice 9 Disinfection 14
Dog Nuisance 9 Bacteriological Examinations 14