London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Health Institute which was to be Hampstead's Memorial to King
Edward VII., and which would aid the preventive work being carried
on by the Public Health Department.
On May 31st, 1912, Dr. McCleary submitted a report on the
subject of the proposed Tuberculosis Medical Officer and the establishment
of the Municipal Tuberculosis Dispensary. A Joint Meeting of
the Tuberculosis Sub-Committee of the Public Health Committee and
the Commemoration Committee having been held, and their recommendations
having been approved by the Public Health Committee, the
Council on the 11th July at their meeting sanctioned an annual
expenditure of £750 for the maintenance of the Dispensary (including
the salary of the Tuberculosis Medical Officer), and instructed the
Public Health Committee to confer with the Commemoration Committee
as to the housing and equipment of the Tuberculosis Dispensary in
the projected Health Institute.
At the Council meeting on 31st October, the Public Health Committee
submitted a report in which they stated that they had had under
consideration the question of the appointment of a Tuberculosis Officer
and his duties and salary, &c., and had had a report from the Tuberculosis
Sub-Committee on the matter ; and recommended
(i) That an advertisement be issued for a Tuberculosis Officer at a
commencing salary of £400 per annum.
(ii) That, his duties with regard to the two classes of persons referred
to below be as follows:—
A. As to Insured Persons :—
Cases to be in the hands of local Medical Practitioners
who shall look to the Sanatorium Committee for
their remuneration. The Tuberculosis Officer to
confine himself as far as practicable to diagnostic
and consultative work.
B. As to Non-Insured Persons : —
(i) When attended by local Medical Practitioners, at
fees arranged between such Practitioners and their
patients, the Tuberculosis Officer shall as far as
possible confine himself to diagnostic and consultive