London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Violent Deaths (excluding Suicide).
Twenty-one deaths were classified under this heading, 1 was due to
poisoning, 2 to burns, 2 to absorption of deleterious gases, 1 to accidental
drowning, 1 to injury by revolver, 5 to falls, 4 to injuries by being run
oyer by motor vehicles, 1 to carriage accident, and 1 to railway accident,
3 were due to homicide, 1 by bullet wound in head, and 2 newly born
infants who were killed.
Sixteen persons committed suicide, as against 15 in 1911. In 4
cases the cause of death was poisoning, 5 deaths were due to hanging or
strangulation, 2 to asphyxia, 1 to drowning, 3 to bullet wounds from
revolvers, and 1 to cut throat.