London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1927

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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Mothers and their Children; the total accommodation available
for such cases was 37 beds.
Convalescent Treatment of Invalid Children.—This work
was carried on by the Invalid Children's Aid Association;
the majority of children assisted are of school age, and a
considerable number were sent to Convalescent Homes by the
good offices of the Association during the year.
Treatment and Nursing of Children under School Age.—
The Council accepted financial responsibility for treatment
at the School Clinic of children under five years of age.
During the year the cases dealt with were as follows:—
Operation for Tonsils and Adenoids 7
Minor Ailments 40
Dental Treatment 8
Total 55
In addition arrangements were made, as before, with the
Hammersmith District Nursing Association for the services
of a nurse when required, to ensure adequate attention in
cases of Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Pneumonia and Measles.
Infectious Diseases of Mothers and Children
Under Five Years of Age.

Statistics showing the incidence of all infectious diseases during the year are included in the general report, but in so far as they relate particularly to diseases of parturient women and children under five years of age, are tabulated below:—

Disease.No. of Cases Notified.Previous Year.No. of Cases Visited.No. of Cases Nursed.No. of Cases Removed to Hospital.
Puerperal Fever7776
Puerperal Pyrexia22102016
Ophthalmia Neonatorum16241579
Epidemic Diarrhœa*282611
Measles & German Measles (under 5)+222012218
Whooping Cough (under 5)†40524021
Poliomyelitis (under 5)1

*Summer Diarrhœa.—As this is not a notifiable disease the figures
available are those of deaths which were registered as having been
due to this cause.
†Not notifiable diseases.