London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith, Metropolitan Borough of]

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year 1,546 notices were reported as having been
complied with, against 1,438 in the previous year.
The House-to-House inspection has been continued
during the year. This Inspector reports that
during the year he has inspected 1,642 houses and
other premises in the borough, against 724 houses in
the previous year.
As a result of his inspection, defects were discovered
in 727 houses, and 727 Intimation Notices
were served by the House-to-House Inspector. These
cases were subsequently dealt with by the four District
Two hundred and five houses coming under
the provisions of the Bye-laws as to "Houses let in
lodgings or occupied by members of more than
one family," were discovered by this Inspector, and
were subsequently dealt with by the Inspectors in
charge of the work under the Bye-laws.
The Health Visitor reports to me that she has
made 2,102 visits with regard to the care of
infants, and has advised parents as to the methods
of feeding, clothing, etc. She also reports to me
that she discovered 50 premises on which insanitary
conditions existed, and paid 14 visits to cases of
ophthalmia neonatorum.
Regulations of Local Government Board.
The Local Government Board made an order
dated 2nd September, 1910, under Section 17 of the
Housing and Town Planning Act, 1909.
Sanitary Inspector Cosson reports that he has made
749 inspections during the year, having inspected the
houses in the list of streets adopted by your Council on
my report.
As a result of his inspection 278 Intimation Notices
were served and 274 complied with, a list of which