London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith, Metropolitan Borough of]

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It will be seen from the above table that the total
number of deaths from these zymotic diseases last
year was, making no allowance for the increase in
population, 105 below the average number registered
in the last 10 years.
There were, omitting phthisis, 650 cases reported
as due to notifiable infectious diseases in this Borough
against 581 in the previous year. The number of
cases of phthisis notified was 438, against 264 in
the previous year. There were also reported 1,058 cases
of infectious diseases that were not notifiable, against
1,108 in the previous year; 363 of these were chickenpox,
487 measles, and 208 whooping cough.
No case of small-pox was notified in the Borough
last year, against no case in the previous year.
Three hundred and sixty-three cases of chicken-pox
were reported, against 304 cases in the previous year.
Three hundred and sixty-two cases reported last year
were treated at the homes of the patients and 1 at
Hampstead Workhouse. No death was registered.
Four hundred and eighty-seven cases were reported
as due to measles, against 554 cases in the previous
year. Four hundred and twenty-one cases were treated
at the homes of the patients, 65 at the Metropolitan
Asylums Board's Hospitals, and 1 at Hampstead Workhouse.
Twenty-eight deaths were registered. As this
is not a notifiable disease it is of no use my giving the