London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1917

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bermondsey, Metropolitan Borough of]

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The extended table of causes of death initiated in 1904 has been
omitted this year from the Appendix.
The total number of deaths registered in the Borough for the
year ended December 29th, 1917. was 1,807,, which is 300 more
than in 1916, and 23 above the average for the last 10 years.
When this figure is corrected by exclusion of deaths of nonparishioners
occurring in the district, and the inclusion of deaths
of parishioners occurring outside the district, the number is raised
to 2,032. This is 72 more than in 1910, and 248 more than the
average for the last 10 years.
The death-rate for the Borough in 1917 was 18.8 per
thousand living inhabitants, being 1.6 above that recorded in
1916, and 0.5 above the average for the last 10 years.
In column 1, foot of Table I. of the Appendix will be found a
list of places where deaths of non-parishioners occurred in the
districts. There were 186 such deaths in all, against 155 in 1916,
and 38 in 1915.
151 such deaths occurred in the infirmary; 8 in the workhouse,
and 27 in River Thames and the Surrey Commercial
411 persons belonging to this Borough died in outlying
institutions, against 453 in 1916, and 542 in 1915. The names
of the various places where the deaths occurred will be found in
columns 2 and 3 at foot of Table I. of Appendix.
Infantile Mortality.
The figure for this is 125 deaths under onu year to every 1,000