London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of ]

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Statement showing the services rendered at the Treatment Centre during the

year, classified according to the areas in which the patients resided.

Name of County or County Borough (or Country in the case of persons residing else-where than in England and Wales) to be inserted in these headings.London.Essex.Kent.Sussex.Herts.Surrey.Total.
A.* Number of cases from each area dealt with during the year for the first time and found to be suffering from:—
Soft Chancre........................
Conditions other than venereal10832........1114
B * Total number of attendances of all patients residing in each area13,753775424518214,095
C.*Aggregate number of "In patient days" of all patients residing in each area............................
D. Number of doses of Arseno-benzene compounds given in the:—............................
1. Out-patient Clinic1,549107........141,580
2. In-patient Dept to patients residing in each area.............................
E. Give the names of Arseno-benzene compounds used in the treatment of syphilis and the usual initial and final dcses.Neosalvarsan. Novarsenobillon. Neokharsavan. Stabilarsen. Silver Salvarsan. Sulfarsenol. MALE. Initial dose, "6 to .9. FEMALE. „ .45 to .75.............
F. State the amount and kind of treatment usually adminis-tered to a case of Syphilis of each of the types usually dealt with at the Treatment Centre.Usual course, 8 to 10 injections of Arsenical compounds, with 10 to 20 Mercurial or Bismuth injections. 3 to 4 courses in the 1st year, 2 to 3 courses in the 2nd year, according to Wasser-mann Reaction. Hydrag. Perchlor. c Pot. Iod. between the courses. Mercury Cream, Mercurosal, or Bismuth, in conjunction with or without Arsenical compounds.
G. State the nature of tests applied in deciding as to discharge of patients referred to in Item 5 on previous page.MALE. Urethroscopy. Cessation of treatment. Alcohol. Films and cultures from urethral discharge, and from threads (if any) and from prostatic and vesicular secretions on three occasions at weekly intervals. FEMALE. Films and sometimes cultures from cervic, urethra and Bartholin's glands (if necessary) after at least three successive menstrual periods, after cessation of treatment.

Medical Officer of the Treatment Centre.
•The totals in Item A should agree with the corresponding totals in Item 2 (a) on the previous page, and the totals in Items B and C
should agree with the respective totals in Items 7 and 8 on the previous page.