London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of ]

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The following is a brief summary of the work carried out at the Special Treatment
Centre for Venereal Diseases during the year 1924:—
At the beginning of the year 240 males and 108 females were registered on the
books as receiving treatment, which compares with 461 males and 141 females at
the beginning of the previous year. Of these patients, 176 males and 71 females
were under treatment for syphilis and 80 males and 27 females for gonorrhoea.
New patients admitted totalled 417 as compared with 505 in the previous year,
and 583 in 1922 and 758 in 1921. 32 males and 11 females suffering from syphilis
discharged themselves before completing the first course, and 4 males and 1
female after completing the first course, but before completion of treatment.
2 males and 2 females completed treatment, but failed to submit themselves to
final test ; 10 males and 7 females were transferred to other centres, whilst 7
males and 0 females were discharged after completion of treatment and observation.
In the case of gonorrhoea, 72 males and 34 females, out of the total of 150 and
50 of the respective sexes coming under treatment during the year for the first time,
discharged themselves before completion of the first course of treatment.

The total number of attendances of all persons at the clinic was 10,890, which total is made up as follows:—

Syphilis.Soft Chancre.Gonorrhœa.Non.Venereal Conditions.Total Attendances.

A few beds are provided at the Centre for in.patient treatment and the number
of days of such treatment totalled : males, 0 ; and females, 9.
In the laboratories associated with the Centre 7,040 specimens were examined,
20 for the detection of spirochetes, 1,326 for gonococci, and 5,694 examinations for
the Wassermann reaction.

The following tabulation indicates the number of patients coming under treatment for the first time from the Counties stated and also the examinations which were made for the detection of Gonococci and for the Wassermann reaction in respect of these patients :—

No. of patients treated.Examinations.
For Syphilis.For Gonorrhœa.For Non.Venereal Conditions.For Gonococci.For Wassermann Reactions.

included in the above total were 3,848 examinations lor the Wassermann
reaction at the request of general practitioners.
No specimens were submitted by general practitioners for examination for
Any medical practitioner desiring examinations of specimens for pathogenic
bacteria in cases of suspected infectious disease occurring amongst their patients
residing in the City, should forward them to the Medical Officer of Health at the
Guildhall. Arrangements have been made for free examination, and the results
obtained are communicated as speedily as possible.
During the year the following specimens were so dealt with. It will be seen
that positive results were obtained in 11.6 per cent, of these cases.
Specimen. Disease suspected. Positive. Negative.
33 Swabbings from throats Diphtheria 4 29
10 Sputum Tuberculosis 1 9
Of the 33 swabbings from throats, 9 were received from the Central Foundation
School for Girls, Spital Square, E.C. These swabs were sent to the City
Pathologist in accordance with the arrangements between the City Corporation
and the London County Council. This school is situate partly in the City and
partly in the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney, and pupils attend from many
parts of the East and North.East of London, and also Boroughs and Urban districts
in Essex and Middlesex.