London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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The total number of open-air classes held in playgrounds and parks during
1929 was 177. While the majority is held only in the summer months (April to
October) there is a tendency growing with experience to ask for facilities for carrying
on the classes throughout the year. Thirty-six of the 177 classes which exist at
present are "all the year round" classes. Detailed reports upon 66 classes were
received from the school doctors, including 8 upon type A classes (delicate children
selected by the school doctor from a number of schools), 43 upon type B classes
(delicate children from a single school selected by the school doctor), 14 upon type C
classes (ordinary class unselected by the school doctor, meeting in playground or
park instead of in school), 1 upon a type D class (an open-air station occupied turn
and turn about by various school classes).
The sites on which the classes are held include parks and gardens 42, roof play
grounds 20, land adjoining school or school garden 14, ordinary school playground.
The reports draw attention to the improvement in general appearance, alertness
and animal spirits of the children and freedom from colds. " Beneficial influence
on delicate children is undoubted," " Better colour, better nutrition and satisfactory
growth," " 40 per cent, more physical exercises than usually given to school children "
are tvnes of comment.

The average increases of heights in centimetres and weights in kilograms are here shown:—

" A " type." B " type.

Dr. E. J. Boome reports upon the Cork-street open-air class held in Brunswickpark
as follows :—
" During the past nine years there have been open-air classes at Cork-street school
of the various types which have been reported on, but this year's results appear to be
outstanding in their excellence. Concrete facts, e.g., average increase in weight
of 3 kgms. in 7 months compared with the normal increase of 2 kgms. for 12 months
and other changes less susceptible to measurement but very striking and real, leave
an impression of the immense value of this type of class. Especially is this so
when the class is conducted by an enthusiastic class teacher in close co-operation
with a keen and energetic head master in a poor neighbourhood where housing
conditions are difficult."
Dr. W. Slowan reports upon the Sandford-road (G.) open-air class :—
" This is a type C class and consist of the lowest class in the school, children
who have just come up from the infant school. The class is held on the roof playground,
a position suitable on account of its height and fine exposure to air and light.
Lessons are taken either at a class at one angle of the playground or individually,
the children being scattered over the area at their movable tables and chairs. When
the sun is too hot they find shelter in the shed. Great interest is taken in the garden,
consisting of several large flower boxes. In addition to ordinary lessons a feature
has been made this summer of weather observations and topography of London of
which there is an extensive view from the roof.
" Handwork comprises decorative stitchery needlework, paper cuttings, plasticine
work, drawing, etc., and breathing exercises, handkerchief drill, physical exercises
and games are taken in a larger proportion to the rest of the curriculum than in
other classes.
" A general improvement in mental and physical health was noted, especially
in children who either through long absences or other causes were below the average.'