London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Visits By District Sanitary Inspectors—continued
Environmental Visits—
(a) Old and Infirm (Section 47, National Assistance Act, 1948)—
First visits 33
Subsequent visits 16
(b) Blind persons 25
(c) Old Age pensioners 110
(d) Tuberculous persons 375
(e) Housing applications 1,310
Mews and Stable Yards 38
Rent Restriction Acts—
Inspections 4
Re-inspections 6
Offensive and Regulated Trades 4
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949—
Inspections 169
Re-inspections 20
Section 12, Housing Act, 1936—
Inspections (other than underground rooms) 6
Re-inspections 26
Underground rooms 165
Re-inspections 836
Section 59, Housing Act, 1936—
Overcrowding offences 52
Re-visits 10
Overcrowding abated 55
Other inspections and re-inspections 1,641
Totals 41,988
Intimation Notices Served—
(i) Smoke abatement 10
(ii) Housing and sanitary defects 5,367
Additional water supply to tenement houses (included
in (ii)) 182
Rent Restrictions Act Certificates—
Tenants 5
Release Owners 4
Number of Attendances at Police Court—
(a) Applications for summonses 128
(b) Hearings 119
Ineffective visits 4,986
Number of Statutory Notices 3,277