London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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The premises provided by the Borough Council for use as a Tuberculosis Dispensary
were opened in February, 19.'52. They are situated on the entrance floor of Barnes
House, 9-15, Camden Road, and comprise a waiting room, two consulting rooms, laboratory,
rooms for the nurse, health visitors, and clerical assistant, dressing rooms for the patients,
and the necessary sanitary accommodation.

The following table gives a summary of the work carried out at the Tuberculosis Dispensary during the year :—

Diagnosis.Pulmonary.Non-Pulmonary.Total.Grand Total.
A.—New Cases examined during the year (excluding contacts)
(a) Definitely tuberculous137695579911144781416252
(b) Diagnosis not completed--------3811
(c) Non-tuberculous--------891122125247
B.—Contacts examined during
(a) Definitely tuberculous-211-----2114
(b) Diagnosis not completed--------112
(r) Non-tuberculous--------601145374301
C.—Cases written off the Dispen-
(a) Recovered81621645514207647
(b) Non-tuberculous (including any such cases previously diagnosed and entered on the Dispensary Register as tuberculous)--------16423876101579
D.—Number of Cases on Dispensary Register on December 31st:—
(a) Definitely tuberculous3742282222394029254132685147779
(b) Diagnosis uot completed--810-18
I. Number of cases on Dispensary Register on January 1st7967. Number of consultations with medical practitioners :—
2. Number of cases transferred from other areas and cases returned after discharge under Head 3 in previous years111(a) Personal6
(b) Other277
8. Number of visits by Tuberculosis Officers to homes (including personal consultations)118
3. Number of cases transferred to other areas, cases not desiring further assistance under the scheme, and cases "lost sight of"180
9. Number of visits by Nurses or Health Visitors to homes for Dispensary purposes4083
10. Number of—
4. Cases written off during the year as Lead (all causes)121
(a) Specimens of sputum, &c., examined564
(b) X-ray examinations made in connection with Dispensary work*363
5. Number of attendances at the Dispensary (including Contacts)3641
11. Number of "Recovered" cases restored to Dispensary Register, and included in A (a) and A(b) above1
6. Number of Insured persons under Domiciliary Treatment on the 31st December ...344 i
12. Number of "T.B. plus" cases on Dispensary Register on 31st December438

*NOT including those made for A.P. refills.