London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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After further consideration of the procedure in regard to the application of the abovementioned
Act, the Council decided to pass a resolution, as laid down by Section 2, applying
Section 1 of the Act to sheep, ewes, wethers, rams and lambs, in order to avoid the confusion
of having certain animals dealt with under the Act and others under bye-laws, and also to
obviate the possibility of risk of conflict between the requirements of the Act and the
Registration, etc., of Slaughter-houses.
By the Transfer of Powers (London) Order, 1933, the registration, licensing, and
inspection of slaughter-houses were transferred to the Borough Council. The licences expire
on the 31st October in each year. Applications for the renewal of licences should be made
by the holder 14 days prior to the licensing meeting, and notification of the date of the
meeting, and of the necessity for making application, it renewal is desired, should be sent to
each holder. Any objection to the granting or the renewal of a licence should be made in
writing at least 7 days before the date of the licensing meeting. A fee of 5s. is payable in
respect of a slaughter-house licence.
The Public Health Committee have been authorised to act on behalf of the Borough
Council as the Licensing Authority at the Committee meetings to be held in October, and the
necessary notices giving the day and time of the meeting will be served on the persons
concerned. This procedure is in accordance with that previously adopted by the London
County Council, and will be continued.
Fried Fish and Fish Curing Premises.
In 1933 there were 78 fried fish vendors' premises in the Borough, at 4 of which fish
curing was also carried on. There were 23 fish curers' premises, including the 4 above
mentioned. 394 visits were made by the Food Inspectors to these premises during the year.
Ice Cream Premises.
Section 5 of the London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1932, states that "any
premises used or proposed to be used for the sale or the manufacture for the purpose of sale of
ice cream or other similar commodity or the storage of ice cream or other similar commodity
intended for sale shall be registered by the owner or occupier thereof with the Sanitary
Authority." Any person offending is liable to a penalty.
The section above mentioned does not apply to any premises used as a Hotel, Restaurant
or Club.
The total number of premises on the register of the department at the end of the year
was 271.
During the year a number of samples of ice cream were submitted to bacteriological
examination, and in one instance, taken during the very hot weather of July, the report of
the bacteriologist on this sample was as follows:—
At 37° c. over 10 million bacteria per cc.
At 22° c. bacteria present too numerous to count.
Bac. Sporogenes and Welchii present in 1 cc.
Bac. Coli. present in 0'000001 cc.
As this report indicated an extremely heavy and gross pollution, an immediate investigation
was made. The materials and the methods adopted were carefully studied and samples
of the materials used, and of the ice cream at various stages during the process of manufacture,
were taken for bacteriological examination. Possibilities of infection existed owing to the
construction of the floor and the method of handling the containers. The procedure adopted
for cleansing the plant was also inadequate.