London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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The following particulars concerning the work of the Committee and the cases dealt
with have been supplied by the Hon. Secretary—Miss Whelon: —
Tuberculosis Care Committee.
Report for year 1932.
"The Committee has continued to meet fortnightly during the year—the attendances
being recorded hereunder:—
Councillor Mrs. Alliston, Chairman 4
Dr. Back 24
Miss H. Hill 9
Miss Long, for Miss Bell (School Care 24
Commit tee)
Mrs. Philipson 17
Councillor Trott, J.P. 8
Hon. Secretary 24
During the year Miss Emly and Miss Quarterman joined the Committee, representing
the Metropolitan District Nursing Association, in place of Miss Wilmshurst.
Total number of cases considered by the Tuberculosis Care Committee .. 194
36 cases were assessed at sums varying from 30s. to 1s. 6d.
143 cases were assessed as free from contribution.
15 cases were considered for Dentures.
Of the 15 cases considered for Dentures, 6 were assessed at sums varying from 21s.
to 2s., and 9 were assessed as free cases.
Although the numbers under review vary very little from last year, a considerable
amount of time has been devoted to Care work. It has been found necessary on several
occasions to make exhaustive enquiries in connection with sickness benefits. Visits have
been paid to H.M. Inspectors of the National Health Insurance Scheme, in relation to
difficulties in connection with arrears of contributions. In two instances concessions
were granted, which enabled patients to obtain past benefit and put them in full benefit
for the ensuing year.
It has also been found necessary to put patients in touch with the Public Assistance
Committee when application has been made for complete outfits of clothing, and in each
case sympathetic consideration and help has been given.
The Hon. Secretary's working party has met regularly, and much valuable help in
the making of garments has been given.
During the year 134 garments have been provided for necessitous patients.
The Committee is grateful for the co-operation and help of the Charity Organisation
Society, Invalid Children's Aid Association, United Services Fund and other Societies.
The Hon. Secretary acknowledges with gratitude a grant made during the year
towards her clothing cupboard from the Eleanor Palmer Charity and St. Pancras
Charities, which has enabled her to give a good deal more help in necessitous cases than
otherwise would have been possible. In addition a grant of clothing was received
from Princess Mary's Needlework Guild containing many useful garments for patients
entering sanatoria.
H. M. NVhelon,
Hon. Secretary.