London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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The following table gives the number of cases notified, the number of deaths which
occurred, and the number of patients admitted to hospital during 1930. The notifications
have not been corrected for any subsequent revision of diagnosis:—

Notifiable Diseases (other than Tuberculosis).

2. Scarlatina or Scarlet Fever2143287958051165923117569
3. Diphtheria and Membranous Croup61642366052491568117921232545
4. Enteric or Typhoid Fever11327116
5. Puerperal Fever910199
6. Puerperal Pyrexia1834527
7. Erysipelas3624773251202142972
8. Cerebrospinal Meningitis11417111257
9. Anterior Poliomyelitis and Polioencephalitis111
10, Ophthalmia Neonatorum32326
11. Encephalitis Lethargic1121521253
12. Acute Primary Pneumonia921117218219170_*118
13. Acute Influenzal Pneumonia12206112218
14. Malaria221
15. Dysentery111
16. Measles17918571344513411_3476326231360
17. German Measles9454510521165

* For Pneumonia Deaths, see Table 2 on page 108.