London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Feeding of School Children.

The County Medical Officer has also kindly furnished the following particulars in regard to the feeding of school children in St. Pancras during the year ended 31st March, 1924:—

Weekly average Number of children fed.Number of meals provided.Cod Liver Oil and Malt.
Ordinary Schools. (a) Necessitous1911665721890885
(b) Non-necessitous3179051493261745
Special Schools. (a) Necessitous86140922119179
(b) Non-necessitous328544631472624

The schools were closed for normal holidays during the following periods :—•
Easter—29th March to 9th April, 1923, inclusive.
Whitsuntide—21st and 22nd May, 1923.
Summer—26th July to 27th August, 1923, inclusive.
Autumn—29th and 30th October, 1923.
Christmas—22nd December, 1923, to 7th January, 1924, inclusive.
Infectious Diseases in Schools.
In the investigation of cases of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, etc., the
school teachers are promptly advised in regard to cases and contacts, so that the
London County Council rules in regard to the exclusion from school of these can be brought
into operation.
It has not been necessary during the year to close any school on account of infectious
St. Pancras School Clinics.
The following account of the work of the London County Council Treatment
Centres for school children has been kindly furnished by Dr. A. R. Roche, the SecretarySuperintendent:—
School Treatment Centres.
It has been my privilege for some years past, at the request of Dr. Shadick Higgins,
the former Medical Officer of Health for the Borough, to write a short report on the working
of these Centres, for incorporation in his annual report. Dr. Higgins' successor, Dr. Sowden,
has extended a similar invitation, and I avail myself of it with pleasure.
There are three of these Centres in St. Pancras : the Highgate New Town Clinic in
Chester Road, the St. Pancras Centre in Prince of Wales Road, and the Lancing Street Centre
in Churchway, Euston Road. The first-named is under a Committee of Management, and the
two others are managed by the St. Pancras Public Medical Service. I personally act as
Secretary-Superintendent to both sides.
The general nature of the work is, that, as the result of inspections at the schools by
medical officers, cases are referred for treatment at the Centres, which are staffed by London
County Council nurses, and local medical practitioners and dental surgeons.