London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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W ateii S ervice.

The following notices have been receivc during the year from the Metropolitan Water Board as to houses from which water has been cut off :—

3.— Waste5
4.—Non-payment of Rates2
5.—Broken Supply Pipe8
6.—Fittings (defective)1

Canal Boats Acts.
During the year Inspector Auger examined 7 canal boats, which were registered
for the occupation of 17 adults and 7 children, and were occupied by 11 adults and 7 children.
No notices were served.
A weekly inspection of the canal and wharves has been made, and the absence of a
greater number of boats inspected is due to the small number of registered boats using the
Inhabititkd House Duty.
Two applications for certificates under Section 11 of the Inland Revenue Act, 1903,
were received during 1923, in respect of two houses comprising six tenements. The certificates
were not granted.
The Rag Flock Act, 1911.
No samples of rag flock were taken during 1923.

288 inquests were held during the year. In the following table will be found the causes of death, as certified by the Coroner ; they are also further classified into age-periods:—

Causes.Under 1 year.1—5 years.6—15 years.15—25 years.25—65 years.65 and over.Totals.
Natural— Heart Disease8__2302257
Cerebral Haemorrhage1---269
Diarrhoea and Enteritis----213
Other causes211110318
Accidents— Street Vehicles-4849732
Burns and Scalds261-3214
Other causes*6345331768
Open Verdxct‡4-8113

* Includes 1 case coal gas poisoning,
† „ 16 cases „ „
‡ ,, 2 cases ,, ,,