Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]
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The following table gives the number of deaths from whooping cough during the
past ten years:—
Year. | Deaths. | Year. | Deaths. |
1914 | 49 | 1919 | 7 |
1915 | 52 | 1920 | 60 |
1916 | 39 | 1921 | 38 |
1917 | 27 | 1922 | 29 |
1918 | 80 | 1923 | 28 |
Ur the total 409 deaths in the above 10 years, 17o were oi males and S234 of iemales.
Three cases of whooping cough were nursed in 19 23, 66 nursing visits being made.
The cost was defrayed by the Borough Council.
Sixty-one deaths were recorded during the year, of which 52 were of children under
five years of age, and of these 43 were under one year of age. These diseases are chiefly
prevalent during summer and early autumn, especially if the weather is hot and dry.
The table on page 33 gives the number of deaths from the above causes during each
month of the year. It will be seen that, of the total 61 deaths during the year, 26 occurred
during the three months July to September.
The following table gives particulars concerning the mortality from the above causes
at different age periods, and the total rates of infant mortality from all causes during the past
20 years:—
Diarhhœa and Enteritis.
Year. | Births Registered. | Deaths from Diarrhoea and Enteritis. | Infantile Mortalityfrom all Causesper 1000 Births. | |||
All Ages. | Under 5. | Under 1. | Deaths under 1 per 1000 Births. | |||
1904 | 6116 | 257 | 237 | 205 | 34 | 152 |
1905 | 5801 | 202 | 192 | 159 | 27 | 136 |
1906 | 5744 | 234 | 228 | 189 | 33 | 131 |
1907 | 5484 | 104 | 89 | 75 | 14 | 113 |
1908 | 5546 | 142 | 135 | 107 | 19 | 115 |
1909 | 5238 | 105 | 99 | 80 | 15 | 108 |
1910 | 5385 | 82 | 78 | 59 | 11 | 107 |
1911 | 5555 | 248 | 218 | 168 | 30 | 112 |
1912 | 5367 | 45 | 35 | 32 | 6 | 88 |
1913 | 5517 | 148 | 127 | 95 | 17 | 93 |
1914 | 5226 | 142 | 127 | 106 | 20 | 92 |
1915 | 4754 | 114 | 107 | 79 | 17 | 105 |
1916 | 4530 | 72 | 56 | 41 | 9 | 85 |
1917 | 3796 | 97 | 80 | 61 | 16 | 106 |
1918 | 3318 | 56 | 47 | 37 | 11 | 102 |
1919 | 3824 | 68 | 55 | 47 | 12 | 88 |
1920 | 5934 | 54 | 44 | 37 | 6 | 73 |
1921 | 4764 | 98 | 83 | 74 | 16 | 76 |
1922 | 4559 | 47 | 37 | 31 | 7 | 74 |
1923 | 4348 | 61 | 52 | 43 | 10 | 63 |