London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Centre.Attendances at Consultations.Visits by Trained Visitors.Consultations.Number of Trained Visitors.
Expectant Mothers.Children.Expectant Mothers.Children.Infant,Expectant Mothers.
New cases.Total attendances.New cases.Total attendances.First visits.Total visits.First visits.Total visits.
Under 1 year.Over 1 year.Total.Under 1 year.Over 1 year.Total.Visitors paid by Borough Council.Trained workers not paid by Borough Council.Visitors paid by Borough Council.Trained workers not paid by Borough Council.Visitors paid by Borough Council.Trained workers. not paid by Borougn Council.Visitors paid by Borough Council.Trained workers not paid by Borough Council.Per monthTotal.Per month.Total.Whole time.Part time.
Town Hall, Health Visitors1643605812850
St. Pancras School for Mothers— Ampthill Square189568352293814703279975025651505763970923 (1)274(2)4.4
Chalton Street6124821730247276625885348295566134369389639261215022522(3)
North St. Pancras School for Mothers, Queen's Crescent13334534952401503738938930873255623985– (4)19(5)228(6)4513
South Highgate Centre1734871910614745131987229515721588102191
Grafton Road Centre19119119958257310719055012161325541589612150_2_
Mary Ward Settlement School for Mothers17711152213715699532522661442332578121601
Camden Town Centre, Camden Road1433762944033444392105654426350156123266441182144483
(7) Berkeley Road Centre671582755118873443__
Argyle Square Centre168910926135150139518968515226316565622191_
Caversham Road Centre1033713122033246381326596472133782547511330602442 (8)12(9)141(6)4(10)41(6)2(11)
(12) Maternity Nursing Association, Oakley Square1241461791018926071760436719329416613516837998491111-
University College Hos15612836744741335239550008101148_2(13)
Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road12545561461075442688129314964416810181022
Marlborough Maternity Section22065950501561564528100

(1) including 3 per month held voluntiry. (2) including 30 held volunitry. (3) volunitry trained worker. (4) 66 visits were made by unqualified students.
(5) including 3 per month held voluntiry. (6) including voluntiry consultaion. (7) first