London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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Inhabited House Duty.
Inland Revenue Act, 1903.
Applications for certificates under Section 11 of the above Act (dealingwith
the abatement of Inhabited House Duty in the case of certain tenement
dwellings) were received by the Medical Officer of Health during 1913 in
respect of 6 blocks of dwellings.
The certificates required are to the effect "that the house is so constructed
as to afford suitable accommodation for each of the families or persons
inhabiting it, and that due provision is made for their sanitary requirements."
The certificates were refused in 2 cases (in both of which they had also
been refused formerly) and granted in the other 4 cases. These four were
all new blocks of flats in Ward 8, consisting of 42, 70, 63 & 59 flats
Housing and Town Planning, Sfc.. Act, 1909.
Section 35 of the Act provides that lodging-houses taking in working-class
persons at a charge not exceeding sixpence a night shall be exempt from
Inhabited House Duty on the production of a certificate from the Medical
Officer of Health in similar terms to that mentioned above.
Two applications for such certificates were received during the year. Onewas
refused and one (in respect of the Registered Common Lodging House at
15 and 16, Litcham Street) granted.
Housing Schemes.
Goklington Buildings.—The gross income for the year ended 31st March,..
1914, from rents amounted to £ 1402 19s. 0d., as compared with £1288 16s. 9d.
during the previous year. The loss from empties, &c., amounted to
£40 19s. 3d. (equal to 2'7 per cent.), as compared with £211 17s. 6d. (equal
to 13.8 per cent.) for the previous year. This large decrease must be attributed
to the revision of the rents. The arrears at the end of the year amounted to
£21 16s. 3d.
Ftaxitian Terrace.—These flats continue to let well. During the year the
loss from empties amounted to £8 8s. 0d (equal to 0.41 per cent.) out of
a gross rental of £2028. The sum of £14 17s. Od. was also received for the
use of the perambulator and bicycle sheds.
Prospect Terrace. — These flats also continue to let well. The loss from
empties amounted to £5 10s. 6d. (equal to 0.32 per cent.) out of a gross
rental of £1725 2s. 0d. A sum of £9 17s. 1d. was also received for the use
of the sheds and £234 3s. 9d. from the baths, as compared with £205 0s. 3d.,
for the previous year.
Canal Boats Acts.
During 1913 Inspector Osborne made 69 inspections. In no case has it
been necessary to serve notices. There has not come to the notice of thedepartment
any cases of infectious disease or other illness, and the requirements
of the Acts have been fairly well observed.