London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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1.—That this Conference is of opinion that the provision of Sanatoria
for the educational and curative treatment of cases of tuberculosis is
2.—(a) That, in the opinion of this Conference, it is desirable that a
Sanatorium should be established for the accommodation of
persons of the working classes of the metropolis suffering from
tuberculosis, and that such Institution should be maintained by
a charge upon the several Metropolitan Boroughs in accordance
with their respective rateable values.
(b) That, in the opinion of this Conference, the proposed Sanatorium
should be under the direct control of the Metropolitan Asylums
Board, and that such Authority be asked to seek the necessary
Parliamentary powers for that purpose (if necessary).
(c) That copies of the above resolutions be forwarded to the
politan sylums Board and to the Local Government Board.
3.—That, pending the provision of a Sanatorium for the working classes,
it is desirable that each Municipal Authority should secure beds in
some existing Sanatorium, according to the provisions of Section 75
of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891.
4.—That, in the opinion of this Conference, the establishment of Tuberculosis
Dispensaries in each of the Metropolitan Boroughs would be
a desirable adj unct to the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.
Your Council were in general agreement with the resolutions passed by the
Conference as set out above, but they considered that the methods of dealing
with the matter should be made the subject of careful inquiry by the Central
Authorities. Further, they were strongly of opinion that the time had come
when steps should be promptly taken to provide accommodation for those persons
who are in such an advanced stage of consumption that they are not received
for treatment at any of the existing institutions, and especially having regard
to the danger of their spreading the disease unless properly isolated; and it was
resolved, on the 13th July, 1910, that a representation be made to the
Metropolitan Asylums Board urging them to take immediate steps to provide
a central home for chronic and incurable consumptive cases.
A communication was subsequently received from the Asylums Board stating
that they had considered the Council's letter urging the provision of Sanatoria
for Consumptives, and pointing out in reply that the Managers have no power
without the consent of the Local Government Board to make such provision.
The subject has been frequently discussed, and several communications have
been addressed to the Local Government Board on the matter, but hitherto the
Managers have received from the Board no official indication of the view they
With reference to Resolution No. 4 above as to the establishment of Tuberculosis
Dispensaries, the Conference addressed a letter to the Local Government
Board as to the legal right of the Borough Councils to establish such dispensaries
other than for "poor persons" within the meaning of the Board's regulations.