London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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V.—Sanatoriums for Incipient Consumptives.
The National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other
forms of Tuberculosis publish a list of Sanatoria at their Central Office, 20,
Hanover Square, W. (6d.). More or less complete lists to date are also
published in the Medical Directory and other medical publications. The
Sanatoria are too numerous to print here; they attract cases in the earliest
stage before the expectoration of infective sputum has commenced or is fully
established, and their object is to cure.
VI.—Open-air Occupation for Consumptives.
There is at present no special society for finding or providing open-air
employment for Consumptives on leaving Sanatoriums, Hospitals, or Homes, or
to work in conjunction with a society for providing separate bed-rooms at
home for poor Consumptives.
VII.—Precautions by Susceptible Persons.
Members of families in which there is Consumption should have medical
attention on the slightest deterioration of health, or if getting thinner, and
should have as much fresh air and good food as possible. Children of such
families may often be helped to obtain residence in the country by application
to the Children's Country Holiday Fund, 18, Buckingham Street, Strand,
W.C., or the Children's Sanatorium, or the Women's Holiday Fund, or the
Invalid Children's Aid Association, Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road,
S.W. Young persons who belong to Girls' or Boys' Clubs may be able to
obtain information as to the Country Holidays from these organisations.
Application may also be made to local branches of the Charity Organisation
Society for information, and in suitable cases for help, as to convalescent and
preventive treatment.
During the year, under the auspices of the Mission of Magdalen College,
Oxford, whose Settlement is established at No. 1, Oakley Square, N.W., a
Public Welfare Association has been formed in St. Pancras. This Association
consists of representatives of nearly all the philanthropic bodies in St. Pancras.
The Association has started a " Campaign against Consumption" with the
intention of co-operating with the St. Pancras Dispensary, 126, Euston lload,
N.W., and the Municipal Authorities, in discovering and assisting poor
consumptives, in such a manner as to prevent the spread of the disease, to
alleviate the condition of advanced cases, to procure the amelioration and cure
of the more hopeful sufferers, and, lastly, but most important of all, to avert the
danger of other members of a family becoming susceptible or being infected.
The following is the scheme for examination of sufferers and suspects:—
1. The Public Health Department and the Public Welfare Association,
through their Visitors, search out and receive information of
persons suffering, or suspected to be suffering, from pulmonary
tuberculosis, and send those who have no medical attendants to
the St. Pancras Dispensary with Introduction Cards for medical
examination as to consumption.
2. The St. Pancras Dispensary examines medically for the presence of
consumption the suspects sent to the Institution with Introduction