Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]
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Violence was the cause of 130 deaths during the year; in the three
preceding years the numbers were 163, 146, and 189.
There was 1 uncertified death registered in St. Pancras in 1909 ; in 1908,
1907, 1906, and 1905, the numbers were 1, 0, 2, and 6.
In the Coroner's Court—General cases 371
„ ,, Poor Law cases 23
Elsewhere in St. Pancras —
Number of bodies deposited in the General Mortuary 401
„ „ „ Infectious „ 11
Notification of Births.
The Notification of Births Act, 1907, came into operation on 9th March,
1908. Primarily, the duty of notifying a birth to the Medical Officer of
Health devolves upon the father of the child if he be resident in the bouse at
the time of its occurence; secondarily, upon any person in attendance upon the
mother at the time of or within six hours after the birth. The notice must be
given by posting a prepaid letter or post card within 36 hours after the birth,
or by delivery of a written notice of the birth at the office of the Medical
Officer of Health within the same time. The local authority must supply,
without charge, addressed and stamped post cards containing the form of notice
to any medical practitioner or midwife residing or practising in their area who
applies for the same. The notification is in addition to and not in substitution
for the requirements of the Act relating to the registration of births, and it
applies to any child born after the expiration of the 28th week of pregnancy,
whether alive or dead. Liability to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings
is incurred by any person who fails to give notice of a birth unless there is
reasonable ground to believe that notice has been duly given by some other