London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1872

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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743 Notices have been served during the year, of which 537 were
primary and 206 final.
It has been necessary in 17 cases to enforce compliance with
Notices by Police Court proceedings.
The market places are frequently visited, and 86 seizures of stale and
unsound fish, fruit, vegetables, and other articles of food exposed
for sale, were made during the year.
There were among the articles seized—
8 kits, 13½ pads, 3 turns, and 1 trunk of plaice.
1 kit, 1 pad and 11 cod fish.
6 boxes, 8 baskets, 1 barrel, 2 kits, and 200 salt herrings.
1 trunk of mixed fish.
7 boxes, 7 pads, and 36 mackerel.
2 trunks and 39 pairs of soles.
2 pads and 2 trunks of skate.
20 boxes of haddocks.
1 bag of mussels.
1 basket of shrimps.
2 hams, 1 box; and 122 unpacked rabbits.
4 bushels and 1 crate of brocoli, 11 barrels of onions.
565 cocoa nuts, 8 boxes of figs, 46 boxes of cherries.
9 bkts. of strawberries, 9 boxes of pears, 2 boxes of grapes.