London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Malaria 18
Maternal Mortality 13
Meat 36
Meningococcal Infection 17
Milk Analysis 51
Milk, Bacteriological Examination of 39
Milk Premises, etc., on Register 35
Milk (Special Designations) Regulations, 1949-5436
Mortuary 28
Non-Infective Diseases, Deaths from 22
Notification of Infective Diseases 15
Outworkers 42
Overcrowding 31
Pet Animals Act 42
Pharmacy and Poisons Act, 1933 37
Pharmacy and Medicines Act, 1941 37
Poliomyelitis 17
Population 10
Pregnancy, Deaths from Accident and Diseases of 13
Preserved Meat, etc., Manufacture of 36
Public Analyst, Report of 46
Puerperal Pyrexia 18
Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Notification of cases of 21
Rent Act 32
Rodent Control 25
Samples, Formal and Informal, Number of 48
Sanitary Inspection of Borough 23
Scabies 19
Scarlet Fever 17
Slaughter-houses 37
Slaughter of Animals Acts, 1933-1954 37
Smallpox 14
Smoke Control Areas 43
Staff 6
Statistics for the Borough 8
Suicide, Deaths from 22
Swimming Baths and Bathing Pools 25
Syphilis, Deaths from 19
Tuberculosis 21
Unfit Houses 31
Unsound Food 37
Water Supply 38
Water Supply, Cutting-off Notices 25
Whooping Cough 14
Geo. Gibbons Ltd., Leicester