London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Sanitary Inspection of the Borough
Water Supply—Cutting-off Notices
During the year, 83 notices with respect to 103 premises were
received from the Metropolitan Water Board stating that the supply
had been withdrawn.
In 29 premises the water supply was cut off for non-payment
of rates, 65 because of defects in the service, and in nine the
premises became vacant.
Dustbin Accommodation—Section 105, Public Health (London)
Act, 1936
During the year action was taken under Section 105 of the
Public Health (London) Act, 1936, in respect of 301 premises,
and 255 dustbins were provided.
In three cases appeals were made by the owners to the London
County Council. The appeals were not allowed.
Rodent Control
Energetic measures for rodent control continued throughout
the year, the system followed being that of prebaiting laid down
by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
2,182 rat and mice complaints were received during the year.
Following is a summary of the work of the rodent operatives.
No. of operatives' visits to premises 12,460
,, ,, premises prebaited and treated with poison 1,309
,, ,, premises prebaited and found not troubled 318
,, ,, premises investigated and found not troubled 304
,, ,, prebaits laid 37,905
,, ,, poison baits laid 9,576
,, ,, drains tested by Sanitary Inspector 357
,, ,, drains found defective 191
,, ,, rats estimated killed 10,505
There were eight rodent operatives and one clerk engaged on
rodent control duties during the year under the supervision of a
Sanitary Inspector.