London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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32 Report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1949.
There are 217 butcher's shops in the Borough. Ths majority
are registered under Section 14(1) (b) of the Food and Drugs Act,
1938, for the preparation or manufacture of sausages or potted,
preserved, pickled or pressed foods. 2,816 visits were made to
these shops during the year.
Slaughter of Animals.
There are three private slaughter-houses in the Borough and
they were visited on 56 occasions during the year.
Ten carcases of pigs were inspected before and after slaughter.
One liver was found to be inflamed and was condemned.
Slaughter of Animals Act, 1933.
Section 3 of this Act provides that no animal shall be
slaughtered or stunned in a slaughterhouse or knacker's yard by
any person who is not the holder of a licence granted by a local
authority and in force under this section.
During the year one application from a person desirous ot
acting as a slaughterman was submitted to the Council and granted.
War Time Piggeries.
There are now 13 war time piggeries in this Borough and
they were inspected on 88 occasions.
Unsound Food.
103 consignments of foodstuffs of all kinds were examined at
the request of the owners and found to be unsound. After the
articles had been destroyed or rendered unsaleable, certificates
were granted to this effect.