London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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1,153 cases of scabies were treated at the Council's
Cleansing Station under the supervision of the two bathing
attendants. The majority of the cases are now treated by the
benzyl benzoate method.
All these examinations are carried out by the Camberwell
Research Laboratories.
During the year, 1,021 diphtheria cultures and 959 specimens
of sputum were examined. Fourteen cultures for dysentery,
one for streptococcus hæmolyticus and one for staphy
lococcus aureus were also examined.
The Council has an arrangement with the various Nursing
Associations in the Borough, for a nurse to attend patients
suffering from certain infectious diseases and minor ailments.
6,226 visits were made during the year.
13 persons are receiving treatment for diabetes and one
for pernicious anaemia at the Council's expense. The cost
during the year was £64 7s. 2d.
There has been a reduction in the number of attendances
at these Clinics as compared with 1942, when the attendances
reached a record. 1,777 persons attended the Borough Coouncil
Clinics as compared with 3,134 in the previous year, and 4,209
in 1942. The number of children who attended the Clinics
held at the L.C.C. Schools has fallen from 1,698 to 523.
At the close of 1942, the Borough Council had five Clinics
in operation, six sessions being held every week. Two of these
were held concurrently with Infant Welfare Clinics, as it was
found to be an encouragement to mothers to have their children
immunised at the same time as they were brought to the Infant
Welfare Clinics. During 1943, three more Clinics were opened
on Infant Welfare Centre premises, and at the end of the year
there were eight separate Clinics for the prevention of Diphtheria
in operation throughout the Borough, a weekly session
being held at each.