London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Vital Statistics 7
There has been no unusual or excessive mortality during
the year and no noteworthy outbreaks of sickness have occurred.
The Registrar-General's estimated population for 1939 is
339,000 and it is on this rate that the birth-rates are calculated.
The census population in 1931 was 353,110. Allowing for adjustments
due to the war the average population for the year on
which death rates are calculated is 321,000.
The birth-rate for the year was 11.99 as against 11.92 in
1938. The standardised death rate was 10.92, compared with
10.38 for 1938.
The infantile mortality was 47, one point higher than last
year, which is the lowest mortality rate recorded.