London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Staff 5
As stated in last year's Report, on 19th October, 1937, the
Council authorised the appointment of two additional Sanitary
Inspectors, owing to the increased duties required under recent
legislation. Mr. A. F. Saunders and Mr. A. W. Lock were
appointed, and they commenced their duties in January, 1938.
In March the Council decided, with the approval of the Home
Office, that Mr. W. G. Pearce, who had qualified as a Government
Anti-gas instructor in October, 1936, be seconded from his duties
as a Sanitary Inspector, to devote the whole of his time to the
training of volunteers and the organisation of the Casualty Service
under the Council's Air Raid Precautions Scheme. Mr. J. W.
Marshall, grade "A" Clerk, was appointed temporary Sanitary
Inspector, and took over Mr. Pearce's duties.
In August, Mr. G. Rollinson resigned his appointment of Sanitary
Inspector, which he had held since May, 1935, on obtaining a
similar appointment under the Holborn Borough Council, and
Mr. J. W. Marshall was appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. S. R.
Coomber, Assistant to the Food Inspectors, was selected to fill
the temporary appointment relinquished by Mr. Marshall, and
the vacancy for Assistant to the Food Inspectors was filled by
the appointment of Mr. A. D. Briggs, in a temporary capacity.
During the year Messrs. A. E. Vickers, E.V. Roots, W. H.
Jones and A. E. Handley, attended Instructors' Courses at the
Government Anti-gas School at Falfield, and obtained First Class
Instructors' Certificates.
Mr. H. F. Leacock has obtained the Certificate of Meat and
other Foods awarded by the Royal Sanitary Institute,