London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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During the year 27 persons, not previously notified, were
certified as having died of Tuberculosis. The ratio of un-notified
Tuberculosis deaths to total Tuberculosis deaths is therefore
27 to 225.
Of the 27 un-notified deaths, 14 were certified from Institutions,
nine by private doctors, while in four cases Tuberculosis
was discovered post mortem. In all cases the certifying doctor
was asked for an explanation, but in no case was it considered
necessary to take proceedings for wilful neglect or refusal to
68 persons died within one month after notification, 87
within three months, and 99 within six months.
599 cases were added to the notification register during the
year, and 543 cases who had removed, recovered or died, were
taken off. The number remaining on the register at the end of
the year was 2,137.