London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Infective Diseases. 21
The total number of cases was 2,383 compared with 2,139
in 1936. This increase is due to the rise which occurred in the
number of cases of Diphtheria, Pneumonia, Dysentery and
Tuberculosis. In 1936 there were 1,258 cases of these four diseases,
but in 1937 the number was 1,502.
No case of this disease occurred during the year.
The duties of Vaccination Officer are now carried out by
myself for the whole of the Borough with the exception of the
Putney Ward.
In June, 1932, the Council appointed me Vaccination Officer
for Clapham and Wandsworth on the resignation of the officer
who had previously acted in that capacity, and in January, 1938,
I was appointed Vaccination Officer for Streatham, Balham and
Tooting, rendered vacant by the death of Mr. L. H. Ford.
The Vaccination Officer for Putney is Mr. C. L. Taylor, who
is a part-time officer.
Table IX. is taken from the official returns of the Vaccination
Officers for the year 1936 and shows the number of
children successfully vaccinated for the whole Borough, as well
as for the separate sub-districts.