London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Staff. 7
Disinfecting Station.
Engineer—R. E. Gale. Commenced duty November, 1936.
Two motor drivers.
Seven Disinfecting Attendants.
Rat Catcher and Assistant Rat Catcher.
Rat Catcher—A. Moon.
Assistant Rat Catcher—H. Jarvis.
One whole-time and two part-time Mortuary Keepers.
Staff Changes during the Year.
On the 19th October the Council authorised the appointment
of two additional Sanitary Inspectors owing to the increase in
the work of the Department caused by recent legislation.
The two officers appointed were Mr. A. F. Saunders and
Mr. A. W. Lock.
Mr. W. T. Willimott, Food Inspector, was awarded the Silver
Medal and a Pass with Distinction given by the Worshipful
Company of Poulterers in an examination on the Selection and
Preparation of Game and Poultry, held at the Smithfield Meat
Trades Institute.
Mr. W. G. Pearce has obtained the certificate as a First Class
Instructor at the Civilian Anti-Gas School.
The Medical Officer of Health attended the Senior Officers'
Course at this School during November.
Mr. S. R. Coomber, Assistant to the Food Inspectors, has
qualified as Sanitary Inspector by passing the examination of
the Royal Sanitary Institute.
On the 14th December, the Council decided that owing to
the increased work in the Department, it was necessary for the