London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1917

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
Six of these were under one year, one from one and under two
years, one from two and under five years, one from five and under
15 years, three from 25 and under 45 years, six from 45 and under
65 years, and three over 65 years.
Acute Polio-Myelitis.
Five cases of the above were notified during the year, one
from Putney, one from Streatham, two from Tooting, and one
from Wandsworth. Three of the cases were under five years of
age, and two over five years.
Two of the cases proved fatal.
Ophthalmia Neonatorum.
29 cases were notified, of which nine were in Clapham, one in
Putney, three in Streatham, five in Tooting, and 11 in Wandsworth.
All the cases were visited. 24 were attended at birth by
midwives. 17 were treated at hospital as out patients, one was
born and died in hospital, one was admitted to hospital as an inpatient,
and two were admitted to Poor Law Infirmaries, the
remaining eight being treated at home. Two cases removed before
recovering, one died from Pneumonia and one from wasting, one
child lost the sight of both eyes, and two are still under treatment
The 22 remaining cases have recovered.
16 cases were notified by registered midwives.
On the 23rd May, the Council decided that the arrangements
made with the v arious local nursing associations with regard to the
nursing of cases of measles when and as requested by the Medical
Officer of Health should be extended to Ophthalmia Neonatorum.
Seven of the cases were attended by the nurses, who made 623
visits, at a cost of £20 15s. 4d. to the Council.