London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
Butter and Margrarine.
478 samples of butter were submitted for analysis during the
year, of which 77 or 16.1 per cent. were reported against, compared
with 12.67 in 1913, 25.4 per cent. in 1912, 16.4 per cent. in 1911.
Of the 478 samples of butter analysed 35 samples were taken
officially, 20 or 57 per cent. were reported against, whereas of
those samples taken informally 57 or 12.8 per cent. were found
to be adulterated.
In 19 cases proceedings were instituted against the vendors
of the adulterated samples.
The penalties and costs amounted to £57 14s. 6d., compared
with £50 8s. 0d. in 1913 and £150 6s. 6d. in 1912.
The following Table shows the number of butter samples
taken, .the number found adulterated, and the percentage of
adulteration, together with the average adulteration for the years
1904-1913 compared with the year under review.