London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health. 63
The Chart (facing page 62) shows the number of cases notified
during each week of the year.
The maximum number of cases, viz.—23, was notified in the
fourth week of August, and the minimum, viz.—two, in the third
week of April, and the second week of August.
The total number of cases, viz.—431, although under the
number for 1911 and also the decennial average, is still above the
number of cases notified in 1909 and 1910, but there was no outbreak
of any special significance in any part of the Borough, with
the exception of slight outbreaks at Roehampton in one of the
Institutions there. These cases were, however, nearly all bacteriological,
viz.—being detected after swabbing of the throats of the
children. The first cases were imported from other parts of the
country and it was not until swabbing was carried out that these
first cases were detected. In all, in this Institution 18 cases occurred
during the year, two in February, six in March, two in July, five
in August, and three in September; but no deaths occurred.
The whole of the patients and staff were swabbed on several
occasions, and it was not until the end of September that the cases
cleared, the last swabs taken in October all proving negative.
Diphtheria and School Attendance.
The following Table shows the number of cases of Diphtheria
and their relationship to the schools in the Borough:—