London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
" The other members of the staff would consist of one or two
Health Visitors and a resident clerk and dispenser. This latter
combination can without difficulty be obtained.
" Medical Officer of Health.
" go, East Hill, Wandsworth,
" 17th October, 1912."
The Committee after consideration of this report reported to
the Council, as follows:—
(a) We have considered the resolution of the Council of the
25th September, with regard to the establishment of a Tuberculosis
Dispensary or Dispensaries in the Borough, and have had before us a
report of the Medical Officer of Health upon the subject, a copy of
which accompanies this report. We have approved a scheme and
have submitted the same to the Local Government Board for their
consideration, with a view to obtaining a grant towards the expenses.
" (b) With reference to the locality of the institutions, the
Central Dispensary would be situated in Wandsworth, and the
Branch Dispensary in Balham, near the boundary of the Parish of
Clapham. Patients in Putney and Streatham, being comparatively
few, could, owing to the convenient means of transit now existing,
attend either of the institutions.
" (c) In the Central Dispensary it would be necessary to have
the following accommodation and staff, viz.:—
" (i.) Accommodation.—The accommodation would include
a general waiting room, consulting rooms, dressing room,
dispensing room, and quarters for resident dispenser and clerk.
The same accommodation might be advisable at the Branch
Dispensary, although not of so extensive a nature.
" (ii.) Staff.—The staff would include a Tuberculosis
Officer, who would devote the whole of his time to the duties,
and have charge of the Central and Branch Dispensaries. He
would also act as expert adviser to the Local Insurance Committee
in regarel to the eliagnosis and treatment of insured
patients suffering from tuberculosis. He would be an officer
of the Public Health Department, and under the administrative