London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
In all, 132 lists were received twice in the year, containing
the names and addresses of 83 contractors and 376 workers, and
four lists once in the year, containing the names and addresses of
10 workers. There has been a very great reduction in the number
of outworkers employed by employers in the Borough.
The total number of addresses received from other Councils
was 422, compared with 370 in 1909, 352 in 1908, 322 in 1907,
and 173 in 1906, and 253 addresses were forwarded to other
Councils, campared with 334 in 1909, 301 in 1908, 325 in 1907,
and 122 in 1906. The number of addresses received has increased
by 52, and the number sent decreased by 81.
The following are the districts to which lists of outworkers
were forwarded, and also the number of outworkers:—Lambeth
53, Stepney 44, Battersea 42, Southwark 22, City of London 19,
Fulham 15, Merton nine, Camberwell six, Hammersmith five,.
St. Pancras, Croydon, Chelsea, and Westmister three each,
Bethnal Green, Southampton, Leyton, Islington, Woolwich,
Lewisham, Hove, Bermondsey and Stoke Newington two each,
West Ham, Acton, Wimbledon, Willesden, Twickenham, Shoreditch,
East Ham and Finsbury one each.
94 names and addresses were forwarded to this Borough in
error, and are not included in the above Table.
The number of notices sent to employers during the year was
100, compared with 127 in 1909, and these had a most satisfactory
result, although in a few cases it was also necessary for the
Inspector to call and warn them that if such lists were not sent
proceedings would be taken.
At the end of 1909 there were 312 outworkers' premises on
the Register, 73 were added and 71 removed during the year,
leaving 314 on the Register.
488 inspections were made of these premises during the year,
and 40 notices, all for cleansing, were served and complied with.