London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
the Medical Officer, Education Department, London County
Council, and the homes were visited by the Inspectors. In the
majority of cases only the heads of the children were verminous,
but in a few cases the bodies and clothing were also verminous.
Of these latter, four, two boys and two girls, were cleansed at the
baths, and the clothing was at the same time stoved with beneficial
15 adults also had baths, five being nurses who had been in
attendance on cases of Puerperal Fever, five were contacts with
cases of Scarlet Fever or Diphtheria, while five, three females and
two males, were verminous.
Inspection of Urinals in connection with Licensed
The number of urinals inspected was 149, 33 in Clapham, 20
in Putney, 25 in Streatham, 11 in Tooting, and 60 in Wandsworth.
324 inspections were made during the year and 38 notices,
chiefly for cleansing, were served and complied with.
Police Court Proceedings.
The list which follows shows particulars of Police Court
proceedings under the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, during
the year.
The total amount of fines inflicted was £23 4s. od., and the
costs £14 7s., compared with £30 17s. 6d. and £11 3s. od. in
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