London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
The principal reason why the number of house-to-house inspections
is lower is due to the fact that the whole system of
recording these inspections was in the last three months of the
year re-organised, as it was found that the records previously
kept did not contain all the matters dealt with by the Housing,
Town Planning, etc., Act.
After much consideration it was decided to adopt a card
system of recording these inspections, and cards were drawn up
so that the result of the inspection could be entered by the
Sanitary Inspector at the time of making his house-to-house
The cards are, after completion by the Inspector, filed according
to streets, thus making the work of future reference an easy
Although the work of inspecting a house and the entering of
all the information at the time occupies more of the time of the
Inspector yet the system will, in my opinion, prove a more complete
and satisfactory one, and it will also save a large amount of
clerical work which had to be performed at the Office.
The details of the card are as follows:—